To help young people achieve their dreams, the government offers them several educational supports. These supports enable students to finance their studies. In addition, with this they can buy all the necessary materials. Tuition fees, books, computers... are all part of the students' obligations. In order to alleviate these expenses, the State offers them several aids in various sectors. So, what are the aids to support young people in their studies?
Financial aid
Do you want to study at a big university or do you just want to get into college? If so, it's time to choose what you like. Currently, government assistance for students allows young people to chart their future without fear.
In order to help you, he offers you a Crous scholarship. This offer is dedicated to people who come from a modest family. However, to qualify for this support, you must meet the required criteria. In order to obtain this scholarship, you must provide your family's tax income and you must also be under 28 years of age.
Apart from the Crous bursary, you can also get the merit-based bursary. This proposal is intended for young students who have passed the Baccalaureate with honours. For this one, you can benefit from this aid for 3 years. But, in case you do not show any enthusiasm, the payment can stop at any time.
Housing payment assistance
To help you, the Crous offers rooms that can meet the needs of students. In addition, each student can take advantage of the APL or the Aide Personnalisées au Logement (Personalized Housing Assistance), which is paid by the family allowance fund.
The housing assistance does not depend on the parents' income, but on the level of resources of the student in question. So the amount of the financing can vary according to the price of the rent and the location. This support will be for you, if you are not on a scholarship.
Specific assistance
Are you in critical condition? If so, ask Crous for specific help. In delicate situations, they can take care of your allowance throughout the year.
You can also get one-off help that can be combined with a scholarship or an annual allowance. This will allow you to continue your studies in case there is a serious situation during the academic year. This assistance is paid only once a year.
This aid is offered with the agreement of the Crous director following the request made. You can also get quite exceptional aid if your situation is very well justified.